Martin har skrevet følgende anmeldelser:
III: In The Eyes of Fire (Unearth, 2006)
1992-2000 (Atari Teenage Riot, 2006)
1999-2004 (Infaust, 2004)
All Hail (Kill Cheerleader, 2007)
All Signs Are Wrong (Sinkin’ Ships, 2005)
Band of Rebels (Joe Shithead Keithley & Band of Rebels, 2007)
Barriers and Passages (Dysrhythmia, 2006)
The Black Spot (D.O.A., 1995)
Bloodied but Unbowed – The Damage to date: 1978-83 (D.O.A., 2006)
Christ Illusion (Slayer, 2006)
Collapse (Across Five Aprils, 2006)
Dead Yuppies (Agnostic Front, 2001)
Eat Drink Sleep Think (Motormark, 2005)
Euphoria (Echo Screen, 2006)
… every knee shall bow every tongue confess (The Burning, 2006)
Futurist (Alec Empire, 2005)
Great Exit Lines (District, 2006)
Holy Diver (Dio, 1983)
In A Certain Way (The Setting Son, 2007)
Into the Noise (Thor, 2008)
It’s Not The Eat, It’s The Humidity (The Eat, 2007)
Ixaxaar (Nox, 2006)
Koncertanmeldelse: Billy Talent i København 02/03 2007
Koncertanmeldelse: Gorillla Biscuits, Lille Vega 11/09 2007
Koncertanmeldelse: Slayer i Malmö 17/11 2006: The Unholy Alliance Chapter II 2006
Love aka Sugar (The Magic Bullet Theory, 2006)
Lovers Fighters Sinners Saints (Odd Project, 2007)
Music From An Extreme Sick World (Audio Kollaps, 2005)
Mutenation (Polidicks, 2005)
My Own Private Armageddon (Slowmotion Apocalypse, 2006)
New Wave (Against Me!, 2007)
Only Theatre of Pain (Christian Death, 1982)
Oxytocin (Harms Way, 2006)
Punk Rock Singles 1978-99 (D.O.A., 2007)
Purified By Anger (Lokyata, 2006)
Rolls into Fist-Sized Ball (Buckethead, 1995)
Scarsick (Pain of Salvation, 2007)
Seasons in the Abyss (Slayer, 1990)
Second Skin of Harlequin (Illnath, 2007)
The Setting Son (The Setting Son, 2007)
Sing the Sorrow (AFI, 2003)
Smash the State: The Raw Original D.O.A. 1978-81 (D.O.A., 2007) (DVD)
Testing The Ends Of What They’ll Put Up With (Near Miss, 2006)
Thirteen (Velvetcut, 2006)
To Hell With Motives (Bombshell, 2006)
Tomorrow Belongs To Me (The Bank Robbers, 2006)
Way of the Vaselines (The Vaselines, 1992)
What we see when we shut our eyes (With Passion, 2007)
2001: A Space Odyssey (Rumrejsen år 2001) (Stanley Kubrick, 1968)
Abby (William Girdler, 1974)
Las Amantes del Diablo (Feast of Satan) (José María Elorrieta, 1971)
À Meia-Noite Levarei Sua Alma (At Midnight I’ll Take Your Soul) (José Mojica Marins, 1964)
Alucarda, La Hija de Las Tinieblas (Alucarda) (Juan López Moctezuma, 1978)
Arabella, l’angelo nero (Black Angel) (Stelvio Massi, 1989)
Aska susayanlar seks ve cinayet (Thirsty for Love, Sex and Murder) (Mehmet Aslan, 1972)
Asylum of Satan (William Girdler, 1972)
Barbarian Queen (Héctor Olivera, 1985)
Barbarian Queen II: The Empress Strikes Back (Joe Finley, 1989)
Barda (Mariella Harpelunde, 2006)
Beneath the Valley of the Ultra-Vixens (Russ Meyer, 1979)
Beyond Re-Animator (Brian Yuzna, 2003)
The Birds (Fuglene) (Alfred Hitchcock, 1963)
Bless the Child (Chuck Russell, 2000)
Blood Bath (Joel M. Reed, 1976)
Blood Feast (Herschell Gordon Lewis, 1963)
Blue Sunshine (Jeff Lieberman, 1976)
Bride of Frankenstein (Frankensteins brud) (James Whale, 1935)
Bride of Re-Animator (Brian Yuzna, 1990)
La casa con la scala nel buio (A Blade in the Dark) (Lamberto Bava, 1983)
Casa privata per le SS (SS Girls) (Bruno Mattei, 1977)
The Children (Max Kalmanowicz, 1980)
Chopper Chicks in Zombietown (Dan Hoskins, 1989)
City of the Dead (John Moxey, 1960)
Color Me Blood Red (Herschell Gordon Lewis, 1965)
Countess Dracula (Grevinde Dracula) (Peter Sasdy, 1971)
Day of the Animals (Dyrene hævner) (William Girdler, 1977)
Decoys 2: Alien Seduction (Jeffery Scott Lando, 2007)
The Demon (Dæmonen) (Percival Rubens, 1979)
Devil Dog: The Hound of Hell (Curtis Harrington, 1978)
The Devil Rides Out (Terence Fisher, 1968)
Die, Monster, Die! (Daniel Haller, 1965)
Dracula (Tod Browning, 1931)
Dracula’s Daughter (Lambert Hillyer, 1936)
The Dunwich Horror (Daniel Haller, 1970)
Emanuelle e gli ultimi cannibali (Emanuelle og de sidste kannibaler / Emanuelle
and the Last Cannibals) (Joe D’Amato, 1977)
La endemoniada (Satans datter) (Amando de Ossorio, 1975)
The Evil Dead (Sam Raimi, 1981)
The Exorcist (Eksorcisten) (William Friedkin, 1973)
The Exorcist II: The Heretic (Eksorcisten II: Kætteren) (John Boorman, 1977)
The Exorcist III: Legion (Eksorcisten III) (William Peter Blatty, 1990)
Faster, Pussycat! Kill! Kill! (Russ Meyer, 1965)
Five (Arch Oboler, 1951)
Frankenstein (James Whale, 1931)
Frankenstein (Kenneth Branagh, 1994)
Frankenstein Meets the Space Monster (Robert Gaffney, 1965)
Frankenstein Meets the Wolf Man (Roy William Neill, 1943)
Il gatto a nove code (Den Nihalede Kat / The Cat o’ Nine Tails) (Dario Argento, 1971)
Ghost of Frankenstein (Erle C. Kenton, 1942)
Giochi erotici nella 3a galassia (StarCrash II) (Bitto Albertini, 1981)
El gran amor del conde Drácula (Count Dracula’s Great Love) (Javier Aguirre, 1972)
Grizzly (Dødens kløer) (William Girdler, 1976)
Halloween (Maskernes nat) (John Carpenter, 1978)
Halloween II (Maskernes nat 2) (Rick Rosenthal, 1981)
Halloween III: Season of the Witch (Maskernes nat III) (Tommy Lee Wallace, 1982)
Halloween 4: The Return of Michael Myers (Maskernes nat 4) (Dwight H. Little, 1988)
Hannibal Rising (Peter Webber, 2007)
The Haunted Palace (Det forheksede slot) (Roger Corman, 1963)
The Hills Have Eyes (Slagterbanden) (Wes Craven 1977)
House of Dracula (Erle C. Kenton, 1945)
House of Frankenstein (Erle C. Kenton, 1944)
House of Wax (Vokskabinettet) (André de Toth, 1953)
How to Make a Monster (Herbert L. Strock, 1958)
The Hunger (Tony Scott, 1983)
Inquisición (Inquisition) (Paul Naschy, 1976)
Inside Deep Throat (Fenton Bailey & Randy Barbato, 2005)
It! The Terror from Beyond Space (Uhyret fra det ukendte) (Edward L. Cahn, 1958)
Jadesoturi (Jade Warrior) (Antti-Jussi Annila, 2006)
Joe Strummer: The Future is Unwritten (Julien Temple, 2007)
Kaput lager – gli ultimi giorni delle SS (Achtung! The Desert Tigers) (Luigi Batzella, 1977)
Kilink Istanbul’da (Killing in Istanbul) (Yilmaz Atadeniz, 1967)
Kilink soy ve öldür (Kilink Strip and Kill) (Yilmaz Atadeniz, 1967)
Kilink uçan adama karsi (Killing vs. the Flying Man) (Yilmaz Atadeniz, 1967)
Kull the Conquerer (John Nicolella, 1998)
The Last House on the Left (Rædselsnatten) (Wes Craven, 1972)
The Last Man on Earth (Ubaldo Ragona, 1964)
Link (Link: Abernes Nat) (Richard Franklin, 1986)
The Mansion of Madness (Juan López Moctezuma, 1973)
The Messengers (Oxide Pang Chun & Danny Pang, 2007)
Mondo Topless (Russ Meyer, 1966)
The Monster That Challenged the World (Arnold Laven, 1957)
La montagna del dio canibale (Kannibalernes Dronning / The Mountain of the Cannibal God)
(Sergio Martino, 1978)
La morte vivante (The Living Dead Girl) (Jean Rollin, 1982)
Mystery of the Wax Museum (Michael Curtiz, 1933)
The Nightcomers (Den natlige gæst) (Michael Winner, 1972)
Le notti del terrore (Burial Ground: The Nights of Terror) (Andrea Bianchi, 1981)
Nuda per Satana (Nude for Satan) (Luigi Batzella, 1974)
I nuovi barbari (The New Barbarians: Krigerne år 2019 / The New Barbarians)
(Enzo G. Castellari, 1982)
A Nymphoid Barbarian in Dinosaur Hell (Brett Piper, 1991)
The Omega Man (Sidste mand i live) (Boris Sagal, 1971)
La orgía nocturna de los vampiros (Vampire’s Night Orgy) (Léon Klimovski, 1973)
Panic in Year Zero! (Ray Milland, 1962)
The Passion of Darkly Noon (Philip Ridley, 1995)
The Plague of the Zombies (John Gilling, 1966)
Prince of Darkness (I en kælder sort som kul) (John Carpenter, 1987)
Race with the Devil (Jack Starrett, 1975)
Rasputin: The Mad Monk (Don Sharp, 1966)
Re-Animator (Stuart Gordon, 1985)
The Resurrected (Dan O’Bannon, 1992)
The Return (Asif Kapadia, 2006)
Salon Kitty (Tinto Brass, 1976)
The Satanic Rites of Dracula (Dracula er løs) (Alan Gibson, 1973)
Satan’s Children (Joe Wiezycki, 1975)
The Seeker: The Dark Is Rising (The Dark Is Rising: Den Sorte Rytter) (David L. Cunningham, 2007)
La settima donna (Terror) (Franco Prosperi, 1978)
Shelf Life (Subhuman) (Mark Tuit, 2004)
Skinwalkers (James Isaac, 2006)
Son of Dracula (Robert Siodmak, 1943)
Son of Frankenstein (Rowland V. Lee, 1939)
Starcrash (Luigi Cozzi, 1978)
La strega in amore (The Witch) (Damiano Damiani, 1966)
Supervixens (Russ Meyer, 1975)
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (Motorsavsmassakren) (Tobe Hooper, 1974)
To the Devil a Daughter (En datter til djævlen) (Peter Sykes, 1976)
Tower of London (Roger Corman, 1962)
Twins of Evil (Draculas heksejagt) (John Hough, 1971)
Two Thousand Maniacs! (Herschell Gordon Lewis, 1964)
L’Umanoide (The Humanoid) (Aldo Lado, 1979)
Up! (Russ Meyer, 1976)
Vampire Circus (Vampyrernes cirkus) (Robert Young, 1972)
Vampyres (José Ramón Larraz, 1974)
Vierges et vampires (Jomfruer og vampyrer / Requiem for a Vampire) (Jean Rollin, 1971)
Vixen! (Russ Meyer, 1968)
Westway to the World (Don Letts, 2000)
White Zombie (Victor Halperin, 1932)
The Wicker Man (Offerfesten) (Robin Hardy, 1973)
The Wraith (Mike Marvin, 1986)
You Better Watch Out (Julemanden går amok) (Lewis Jackson, 1980)
Zombi Holocaust (Zombiemassakren) (Marino Girolami, 1980)
Ölüler konusmaz ki (The Dead Don’t Talk) (Yavuz Yalinkiliç, 1970)
2001. En odyssé i verdensrummet (2001. A Space Odyssey) (Arthur C. Clarke, 1968)
The Afterblight Chronicles: Kill or Cure (Rebecca Levene, 2007)
The Birds (Daphne du Maurier, 1952)
Bless the Child (Cathy Cash Spellman, 1993)
Bogen om Frankenstein (Nicolas Barbano, 1993)
Cabal (Clive Barker, 1988)
The Colour out of Space (H.P. Lovecraft, 1927)
Dance of the Dead (Christie Golden, 1992)
The Devil Rides Out (Dennis Wheatley, 1934)
Disclosures in Scarlet (Carl Jacobi, 1972)
The Dracula Tape (Fred Saberhagen, 1974)
Dragonlance: Chronicles (Margaret Weis & Tracy Hickman, 1984-85)
The Dunwich Horror (H.P. Lovecraft, 1929)
The Exorcist (William Peter Blatty, 1971)
Frankenstein (Mary Shelley, 1818)
Fra Skyggerne (Henrik Harksen, red., 2008)
Get in the Van. On the Road with Black Flag (Henry Rollins, 1994)
The Hellbound Heart (Clive Barker, 1986)
Herbert West – Reanimator (H.P. Lovecraft, 1922)
The Hunger (Whitley Strieber, 1981)
I Am Legend (Richard Matheson, 1954)
Interview with the Vampire (Anne Rice, 1976)
Kull – Exile of Atlantis (Robert E. Howard, 2006)
Legion (William Peter Blatty, 1983)
Mysteries of the Worm (Robert Bloch, 1981)
Oriuagors profeti – bogen der dræber (Palle Vibe, 2007)
Our Lady of Darkness (Fritz Leiber, 1977)
Passion is a Fashion. The Real Story of the Clash (Pat Gilbert, 2004)
Pax Britannia: El Sombra (Al Ewing, 2007)
The Periodic Table of Science Fiction (Michael Swanwick, 2005)
Pierced Heart (Robin D. Laws, 1997)
Psycho (Robert Bloch, 1959)
Psycho 2 (Robert Bloch, 1982)
Revolution i år 2100 (Revolt in 2100) (Robert A. Heinlein, 1953)
Ritual (David Pinner, 1967)
The Satanist (Dennis Wheatley, 1960)
The Serpent and the Rainbow (Wade Davis, 1985)
Shadows over Baker Street (Michael Reaves & John Pelan, red., 2003)
Shadows over Innsmouth (Stephen Jones, red., 1994)
Striden om Natkrystallerne: Det blå lys (Bent Jakobsen, 2002)
Striden om Natkrystallerne: Skyggeringen (Bent Jakobsen, 2006)
Striden om Natkrystallerne: Stjernedråberne (Bent Jakobsen, 2006)
Tales of Talislanta (Stephan Michael Sechi, red., 1992)
A Thing of Unspeakable Horror. The History of Hammer Films (Sinclair McKay, 2007)
This Immortal (Roger Zelazny, 1966)
To the Devil – A Daughter (Dennis Wheatley, 1953)
Vampire of the Mist (Christie Golden, 1991)
White Line Fever (Lemmy, 2002)
Batman: Helvedes Yngel (George Pratt, 2000)
Berlin: En by af sten (Jason Lutes, 2001)
Blodets Bånd (Yves H & Hermann, 2000)
Daredevil: Djævlens Advokat (David Hines & Michael Gaydos, 2005)
Daredevil: Love and War (Frank Miller & Bill Sienkiewicz, 1986)
Fox Bunny Funny (Andy Hartzell, 2007)
Greenberg the Vampire (J. M. DeMatteis & Mark Badger, 1986)
Himmelbuddhaen 1 (Cosey, 2005)
Jeremiah 2: Ørkenens Fribyttere (Hermann, 1979)
Jeremiah 4: Troldmanden (Hermann, 1981)
Jeremiah 6: Sekten (Hermann, 1982)
Jeremiah 8: Sumpen (Hermann, 1983)
Jeremiah 10: Boomerang (Hermann, 1984)
Jeremiah 12: Slangen i Paradiset (Hermann, 1986)
Jeremiah 14: Simon vender tilbage (Hermann, 1989)
Largo Winch 3: Opkøb (Jean Van Hamme & Philippe Francq, 1992)
Linda og Valentin: Landet uden stjerner (Pierre Christin & Jean-Claude Mezieres, 1972)
Lovecraft (Hans Rodionoff, Keith Giffen & Enrique Breccia, 2003)
Morbus Gravis 1: Schastars Hemmelighed (Paolo Eleuteri Serpieri, 1985)
Morbus Gravis 2: Sandhedens Tårn (Paolo Eleuteri Serpieri, 1987)
Morbus Gravis 3: At være eller ikke være (Paolo Eleuteri Serpieri, 1992)
Morbus Gravis 4: Replikanterne (Paolo Eleuteri Serpieri, 1992)
Morbus Gravis 5: Alrune (Paolo Eleuteri Serpieri, 1995)
Morbus Gravis 6: Afrodites tegn (Paolo Eleuteri Serpieri, 1997)
Morbus Gravis 7: Hvide øjne (Paolo Eleuteri Serpieri, 2000)
Muchacho – første del (Emmanuel Lepage, 2004)
Muchacho – anden del (Emmanuel Lepage, 2006)
Nat I 30 Dage: Nat I 30 Dage (Steve Niles & Ben Templesmith, 2003)
Nat I 30 Dage: Dystre Dage (Steve Niles & Ben Templesmith, 2004)
Nat I 30 Dage: Retur til Barrow (Steve Niles & Ben Templesmith, 2004)
The Red Seas 1: Under the Banner of King Death (Ian Edginton & Steve Yeowell, 2007)
Spurvehøgen 1: Spurvehøgen (Patrick Cothias & André Juillard, 1983)
Spurvehøgen 2: Ren som sne (Patrick Cothias & André Juillard, 1984)
Spurvehøgen 3: Majstangen (Patrick Cothias & André Juillard, 1985)
Spurvehøgen 4: Heksejægeren (Patrick Cothias & André Juillard, 1988)
Spurvehøgen 5: Fugletæmmeren (Patrick Cothias & André Juillard, 1989)
Det Tredje Testamente 1: Markus eller Løven Vågner (Xavier Dorison & Alex Alice, 1997)
Tårnene i Maury-Skoven 1: Babette (Hermann, 1984)
Tårnene i Maury-Skoven 2: Eloise (Hermann, 1985)
Tårnene i Maury-Skoven 3: Germain (Hermann, 1986)
Tårnene i Maury-Skoven 4: Reinhardt (Hermann, 1987)
Tårnene i Maury-Skoven 5: Alda (Hermann, 1989)
Tårnene i Maury-Skoven 6: Sigurd (Hermann, 1990)
Tårnene i Maury-Skoven 7: William (Hermann, 1991)
Tårnene i Maury-Skoven 8: Sandjar (Hermann, 1992)
Tårnene i Maury-Skoven: Slægtskrønike 1: Assunta (Hermann, 1998)
WE3 (Grant Morrison & Frank Quitely, 2004)
Wolverine: Netsuke (George Pratt, 2003)
Chaos Marauders: The Manic Game of Orcish Mayhem (Games Workshop, 1987)
The Hills Rise Wild! (Pagan Publishing, 2000)
Once Upon a Time: The Storytelling Card Game (Atlas Games, 1993)
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons: Ravenloft Campaign Setting (Bruce Nesmith,
Andria Hayday m.fl., 1983)
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons – Ravenloft: Night of the Walking Dead (Bill Slavicsek, 1992)
All Flesh Must Be Eaten: The Zombie Survival Roleplaying Game (Al Bruno, C. J. Carella m.fl., 1999)
Amazing Engine: For Faerie, Queen, & Country (David “Zeb” Cook, Carl Sargent &
Karen S. Boomgarden, 1993)
Amazing Engine: System Guide (David “Zeb” Cook, 1993)
Call of Cthulhu: Cthulhu by Gaslight (William A. Barton, 1986)
Call of Cthulhu: The Golden Dawn (Scott Aniolowski, Garrie Hall m.fl., 1996)
Inferno (Gave Ivan, 1994)
Inferno: Out of the Abyss (Gave Ivan, 1995)
New Style: De Profundis – Letters From the Abyss (Michat Oracz, 2001)
New Style: Pantheon and Other Roleplaying Games (Robin D. Laws, 2000)
PANDEMONIUM! (grundbog) (Stephan Michael Sechi m.fl., 1993)
PANDEMONIUM!: Stranger Than Truth (Robin D. Laws m.fl., 1994)
En snak med Rasmus Stavnsborg – Danmarks (måske) største Iron Maiden-samler
Eurocon 2007
Ni hurtige til svenske HARMS WAY – Interview med Freddie fra bandet
The Scandinavian Sci-Fi, Game & Film Convention 2007
Spot på Bloody Skull Comix
Spot på Chimera Arts