Index: Australien

Film: The Babadook (Jennifer Kent, 2014) Primal (Josh Reed, 2010) The Proposition (John Hillcoat, 2005) Wolf Creek (Greg Mclean, 2005)…

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Index: James Bond

Film: Casino Royale (Val Guest m.fl., 1967) Casino Royale (Martin Campbell, 2006) Diamonds Are Forever (Diamanter varer evigt (Guy Hamilton, 1971) Die Another Day (Lee Tamahori, 2002) Dr. No (Agent 007 – mission drab) (Terence Young, 1962) For Your Eyes Only (Strengt fortroligt) (John Glen, 1981) From Russia With Love…

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Index: 1800-tallet

Film:Back to the Future Part III (Tilbage til fremtiden del III) (Robert Zemeckis, 1990)In the Heart of the Sea (Ron Howard, 2015)The Pale Blue Eye (Scott Cooper, 2022)The Raven (James McTeigue, 2012)The Village (M. Night Shyamalan, 2004) Bøger:Tomes of the Dead: Death Hulk (Matthew Sprange, 2006)…

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Index: Metalag

Film: The Kovak Box (Ingen udvej) (Daniel Monzón, 2006) Shadow of the Vampire (E. Elias Merhige, 2000) Snuff (Michael Findlay, Horacio Frederiksson & Simon Nuchtern, 1976) Snuff-Movie (Snuff Movie) (Bernard Rose, 2005) Super 8 (J.J. Abrams, 2011) Tegneserier: The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen: Volume II (Alan Moore & Kevin O’Neill,…

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Index: Fremmede Planeter

Film: Planet of the Apes (Tim Burton, 2001) Bøger: Big Planet (Jack Vance, 1957) Disclosures in Scarlet (Carl Jacobi, 1972) Tegneserier: Bad Company: Goodbye Krool World (Peter Milligan m.fl., 2007) Bad Company: Kano (Peter Milligan m.fl., 2007) Judge Dredd: The Complete Casefiles 04 (John Wagner m.fl., 2006) Artikler: En introduktion…

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Index: Første Verdenskrig

Film:Jungle Cruise (Jaume Collet-Serra, 2021)Wonder Woman (Patty Jenkins, 2017) Tegneserier:Arrowsmith: Så Smarte I Deres Fine Uniformer (Carlos Pachego & Kurt Busiek, 2004)Soldat Varlot (Jacques Tardi, 1999) Computerspil:Wings (Cinemaware, 1990)Wings: Remastered Edition (Cinemaware, 2014)…

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Index: Tidsparadokser

Film: Back to the Future (Tilbage til fremtiden) (Robert Zemeckis, 1985) Back to the Future Part II (Tilbage til fremtiden del II) (Robert Zemeckis, 1989) Back to the Future Part III (Tilbage til fremtiden del III) (Robert Zemeckis, 1990) The Terminator (James Cameron, 1984) Terminator 2: Judgment Day (Terminator 2:…

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Index: Tyskland

Film: Black Past (Olaf Ittenbach, 1989) Burning Moon (Olaf Ittenbach, 1992) Premutos – Der gefallene Engel (Premutos: Lord of the Living Dead) (Olaf Ittenbach, 1999)…

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