

# | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Æ | Ö

3 dev adamUcak, T. Fikret19731
4 mosche di velluto grigioArgento, Dario19714
10 Cloverfield LaneTrachtenberg, Dan20165
The 13th WarriorMcTiernan, John19995
20 Million Miles to EarthJuran, Nathan19574
24 - Season 1Hopkins, Stephen20015
24 - Season 2Cassar, Jon20025
28 Days LaterBoyle, Danny20022
28 Weeks LaterFresnadillo, Juan Carlos20074
30 Days of NightSlade, David20073
47 Meters Down: UncagedRoberts, Johannes20192
48 Hrs.Hill, Walter19825
300: Rise of an EmpireMurro, Noam20144
1408Håfström, Mikael20073
2001: A Space OdysseyKubrick, Stanley19686
2001 ManiacsSullivan, Tim20053
2012Emmerich, Roland20091
10,000 BCEmmerich, Roland20083
AbbyGirdler, William19743
L’abîme des morts vivantsFranco, Jesus19812
The Abominable Dr. PhibesFuest, Robert19715
Above the LawDavis, Andrew19884
The AbyssCameron, James19895
The AccountantO'Connor, Gavin20164
ActionKern, Richard20073
Action JacksonBaxley, Craig R.19884
The Adventures of TintinSpielberg, Steven20114
Africa addioJacopetti, Gualtiero | Prosperi, Franco19665
After DeathFragasso, Claudio19882
Air Force OnePetersen, Wolfgang19975
AlienScott, Ridley19796
Alien 3Fincher, David19925
Alien: CovenantScott, Ridley20173
Alien: ResurrectionJeunet, Jean-Pierre19972
Alien vs. NinjaChiba, Seiji20102
Alien vs. PredatorAnderson, Paul W.S.20042
Alien SharkTomborello, Paul20221
AliensCameron, James19866
AloneMartin, Johnny20203
Alone in the DarkBoll, Uwe20051
AlteredNash, James | Sánchez, Eduardo20062
Alucarda, La Hija de Las TinieblasMoctezuma, Juan López19785
AlyceLee, Jay20114
Las Amantes del DiabloEllorieta, José Maria19714
The Amazing Spider-ManWebb, Marc20124
The Amazing Spider-Man 2Webb, Marc20143
AmbulanceBay, Michael20224
À Meia-Noite Levarei Sua AlmaMarins, Jose Mojica19645
American NinjaFirstenberg, Sam19852
American PsychoHarron, Mary20004
American SwingHart, Jon | Kaufman, Matthew20083
An American Werewolf in LondonLandis, John19814
Amityville 3-DFleischer, Richard19832
The Andromeda StrainWise, Robert19714
The Andromeda StrainSalomon, Mikael20082
Angel HeartParker, Alan19875
Anita – ur en tonårsflickas dagbokWickman, Torgny19731
AnnabelleLeonetti, John R.20142
Ant-ManReed, Peyton20154
AntebellumBush, Gerard | Renz, Christopher20205
AntichristTrier, Lars von20095
AntropophagusD'Amato, Joe19803
Apocalypse domaniMargheriti, Antonio19804
Apollo 13Howard, Ron19955
ApostleEvans, Gareth20183
Arabella, l’angelo neroMassi, Stelvio19894
ArachnophobiaMarshall, Frank19904
Arctic BlueMasterson, Peter19932
Army of DarknessRaimi, Sam19925
ArrivalVilleneuve, Denis20165
AscensionHussain, Karim20021
Aska susayanlar seks ve cinayetAslan, Mehmet19723
Astérix et les VikingsFjeldmark, Stefan | Møller, Jesper20052
Asylum of SatanGirdler, William19724
El ataque de los muertos sin ojosOssorio, Amando de19735
Ator, l’invincibileD'Amato, Joe19824
The Autopsy of Jane DoeØvredal, André20165
AvatarCameron, James20094
The AvengersWhedon, Joss20125
Avengers: Age of UltronWhedon, Joss20154
Avengers: Infinity WarRusso, Anthony | Russo, Joe20185
Avenging ForceFirstenberg, Sam19865
AxedDriscoll, Ryan Lee20111
The BabadookKent, Jennifer20144
Baba YagaFarina, Corrado19733
Back to the FutureZemeckis, Robert19856
Back to the Future Part IIZemeckis, Robert19895
Back to the Future Part IIIZemeckis, Robert19905
Bad BiologyHenenlotter, Frank20084
Bad TasteJackson, Peter19875
BandagedBeatty, Maria20092
The BarbariansDeodato, Ruggero19872
Barbarian QueenOlivera, Héctor19854
Barbarian Queen II: The Empress Strikes BackFinley, Joe19893
BarbieGerwig, Greta20235
BardaHarpelunde, Mariella20064
Basket CaseHenenlotter, Frank19825
Basket Case 2Henenlotter, Frank19903
Basket Case 3Henenlotter, Frank19923
The BatmanReeves, Matt20224
Batman BeginsNolan, Christopher20054
Batman: Dead EndCollora, Sandy20036
Batman and Harley QuinnLiu, Sam20172
Batman v Superman: Dawn of JusticeSnyder, Zack20162
Battle Los AngelesLiebesman, Jonathan20114
Battlefield Earth: A Saga of the Year 3000Christian, Roger20001
The BeekeeperAyer, David20244
BeetlejuiceBurton, Tim19885
Beetlejuice BeetlejuiceBurton, Tim20244
Bekushiru: 2077 Nihon SakokuSori, Fumihiko20073
Bel AmiAhlberg, Mac19762
La Belle bêteHussain, Karim20063
Beneath the Valley of the Ultra-VixensMeyer, Russ19793
La bestia in caloreBatzella, Luigi19772
La bêteBorowczyk, Walerian19752
Beverly Hills CopBrest, Martin19846
Beyond Re-AnimatorYuzna, Brian20033
Big Trouble in Little ChinaCarpenter, John19864
Bikini BloodbathGorman, Jonathan | Seymour, Thomas Edward20063
Bikini Girls On IceKlein, Geoff20092
Bill & Ted's Excellent AdventureHerek, Stephen19894
The BirdsHitchcock, Alfred19636
Black ChristmasClark, Bob19744
Black ChristmasMorgan, Glen20063
The Black DemonGrünberg, Adrian20232
Black KnightJunger, Gil20011
Black PastIttenbach, Olaf19893
Black SheepKing, Jonathan20064
Black VenusMulot, Claude19833
BlaculaCrain, William19724
BladeNorrington, Stephen19983
Blade RunnerScott, Ridley19824
Blade Runner 2049Villeneuve, Denis20172
Bless the ChildRussell, Chuck20001
BloodMilligan, Andy19742
Blood BathReed, Joel M.19762
Blood & ChocolateGarnier, Katja Von20072
Blood FeastLewis, Herschell Gordon19635
BloodRayneBoll, Uwe20051
BloodsportArnold, Newt19882
Blue SunshineLieberman, Jeff19764
Body SnatchersFerrara, Abel19933
BoneCohen, Larry19725
Bong of the DeadNewman, Thomas20111
The BoogeymanLommel, Ulli19803
The Book of EliHughes, Albert | Hughes, Allen20103
BorderlandBerman, Zev20073
Brain DamageHenenlotter, Frank19885
BraindeadJackson, Peter19925
The Brain from Planet ArousJuran, Nathan19574
Bram Stoker’s DraculaCoppola, Francis Ford19924
BreachSuits, John20201
The BreedMastandrea, Nicholas20061
Bride of FrankensteinWhale, James19356
Bride of Re-AnimatorYuzna, Brian19904
The BroodCronenberg, David19795
Bunker ParadiseLiberski, Stefan20054
El buque malditoOssorio, Amando de19743
The BurningMaylam, Tony19814
Burning MoonIttenbach, Olad19922
ButterfliesSarno, Joseph W.19751
The Butterfly EffectBress, Erik | Gruber, J. Mackye20044
The Cabin in the WoodsGoddard, Drew20115
Das Cabinet des Dr. CaligariWiene, Robert19206
Caligula et MessalineMattei, Bruno19811
CandyMarquand, Christian19685
Cannibal feroxLenzi, Umberto19813
Cannibal HolocaustDeodato, Ruggero19806
Captain America: Civil WarRusso, Anthony | Russo, Joe20164
Captain America: The First AvengerJohnston, Joe20116
Captain America: The Winter SoldierRusso, Anthony | Russo, Joe20145
CaptifsGozlan, Yann20104
CaptivityJoffe, Roland20071
CarrieDe Palma, Brian19765
CarriePeirce, Kimberly20133
Carry-OnCollet-Serra, Jaume20244
Il cartaioArgento, Dario20044
La casa con la scala nel buioBava, Lamberto19834
Casa privata per le SSMattei, Bruno19773
La casa sperduta nel parcoDeodato, Ruggero19804
Casino RoyaleGuest, Val19674
Casino RoyaleCampbell, Martin20064
Castle FreakGordon, Stuart19954
CastlevaniaDeats, Sam20175
Castlevania – Season 2Deats, Sam20183
Casus kiranAtadeniz, Yilmaz19681
CecilieWullenweber, Hans Fabian20072
CenturionMarshall, Neil20104
Chakushin ariMiike, Takashi20033
Chakushin ari 2Tsukamoto, Renpei20054
Chakushin ari finalAsou, Manabu20061
Chemical WeddingDoyle, Julian20082
The ChildrenKalmanowicz, Max19804
Children of MenCuarón, Alfonso20065
Chopper Chicks in ZombietownHoskins, Dan19892
ChristineCarpenter, John19832
La cité des enfants perdusJeunet, Jean-Pierre | Caro, Marc19956
City of the DeadMoxey, John19605
Civil WarGarland, Alex20246
CliffhangerHarlin, Renny19935
Close Encounters of the Third KindSpielberg, Steven19776
The Cloverfield ParadoxOnah, Julius20182
CobraCosmatos, George P.19862
CockfighterHellman, Monte19745
CoffyHill, Jack19734
Collections privéesJaeckin, Just19792
Color Me Blood RedLewis, Herschell Gordon19654
ComaCrichton, Michael19785
CommandoLester, Mark L.19852
The Commodore StoryFletcher, Steven20182
The Company of WolvesJordan, Neil19845
Conan the BarbarianMilius, John19826
Conan the DestroyerFleischer, Richard19843
CongoMarshall, Frank19953
The ConjuringWan, James20135
ContagionSoderbergh, Steven20113
ContaminationCozzi, Luigi19802
Contes immorauxBorowczyk, Walerian19742
The CoreAmiel, Jon20034
Corpse EatersPassmore, Donald
Vetter, Klaus
Cosmic SinDrake, Edward20211
Countess DraculaSasdy, Peter19714
CraigSønderholm, Kim20073
The Creeping TerrorNelson, A.J.19641
CreepshowRomero, George A.19824
Creepshow 2Gornick, Michael19873
Creepshow IIIClavell, Ana | Dudelson, James20062
Crimes of the FutureCronenberg, David20225
Critters Attack!Miller, Bobby20192
CrocodileHooper, Tobe20002
The CrowProyas, Alex19945
CujoTeague, Lewis19834
The Curse of FrankensteinFisher, Terence19576
CursedCraven, Wes20051
CyborgPyun, Albert19891
Cyborg: Deadly MachineCailliere, Mathieu20203
D-WarShim, Hyung-rae20074
DagonGordon, Stuart20014
DahmerJacobson, David20025
Damien: Omen IITaylor, Don19782
Damnation AlleySmight, Jack19773
Dance of the VampiresPolanski, Roman19675
Danchi zuma: tonari no aegiToshiki, Sato20012
The DarkFawcett, John20053
Dark AngelBaxley, Craig R.19904
The Dark CrystalHenson, Jim | Oz, Frank19823
The Dark Knight RisesNolan, Christopher20126
The Dark LurkingConnors, Gregory20104
Dark TowerFrancis, Freddie | Wiederhorn, Ken19872
Dawn of the DeadRomero, George A.19786
Dawn of the DeadSnyder, Zack20045
Day of the AnimalsGirdler, William19773
Day of the DeadRomero, George A.19853
Day of the WomanZarchi, Meir19782
The Day the Earth Stood StillWise, Robert19516
Day the World EndedCorman, Roger19554
Dead BirdsTurner, Alex20044
Dead & BreakfastLeutwyler, Matthew20044
DeadgirlSamiento, Marcel | Harel, Gadi20084
Deadhunter – Sevillian ZombiesLara, Julian20041
DeadpoolMiller, Tim20164
Deadpool 2Leitch, David20185
Dead Rising: WatchtowerLipovsky, Zach20152
Deadwood: The MovieMinahan, Daniel20196
Dear Mr. GacyRistovski, Svetozar20105
Death FactorySykes, Brad20021
Death HuntHunt, Peter R.19815
Death WarrantSarafian, Deran19904
Decoys 2: Alien SeductionLando, Jeffery Scott20072
Deep Blue SeaHarlin, Renny19995
Deep ThroatDamiano, Gerard19722
Deja VuScott, Tony20064
DelicatessenCaro, Marc | Jeunet, Jean-Pierre19915
DeliriaSoavi, Michele19872
The Delta ForceGolan, Menahem19863
Demir pençe (korsan adam)Inanç, Çetin19691
Demolition ManBrambilla, Marco19935
The DemonRubens, Percival19792
Demon WindMoore, Charles Philip19903
Les DémoniaquesRollin, Jean19742
The DentistYuzna, Brian19963
The Dentist 2Yuzna, Brian19981
The DescentMarshall, Neil20055
Les deux orphelines vampiresRollin, Jean19971
Devil Dog: The Hound of HellHarrington, Curtis19782
The Devil Rides OutFisher, Terence19684
The Devil’s AdvocateHackford, Taylor19974
Devil’s PlaygroundMcQueen, Mark20104
The Devil’s RejectsZombie, Rob20052
Diamonds Are ForeverHamilton, Guy19713
Diary of the DeadRomero, George A.20074
Die Another DayTamahori, Lee20023
Die HardMcTiernan, John19886
Die, Monster, Die!Haller, Daniel19653
Dirty HarrySiegel, Don19716
District 9Blomkamp, Neill20096
DisturbiaCaruso, D.J.20074
Django UnchainedTarantino, Quentin20125
DobermannKounen, Jan19971
Doctor StrangeDerrickson, Scott20163
Dog SoldiersMarshall, Neil20022
Don’t Go in the WoodsBryan, James19811
Don’t Let Him InSmith, Kelly20112
Don't Look NowRoeg, Nicolas19736
Don't Worry DarlingWilde, Olivia20223
The Doom GenerationAraki, Gregg19952
DoomsdayMarshall, Neil20085
Double DragonYukich, James19942
DownsizingPayne, Alexander20174
Dr. NoYoung, Terence19624
Dr. Shocks X-Ray Chiller TheatreSmith, Lance Otto | Agosti, Douglas19921
Dr. StrangeDeGuere, Philip19784
DraculaBrowning, Tod19316
DraculaFisher, Terence19586
Dracula: Prince of DarknessFisher, Terence19666
Dracula Has Risen from the GraveFrancis, Freddie19683
Dracula’s DaughterHillyer, Lambert19364
DreamcatcherKasdan, Lawrence20031
Dredd 3DTravis, Pete20125
The Driller KillerFerrara, Abel19792
Due occhi diaboliciRomero, George A. | Argento, Dario19903
Dungeons & DragonsSolomon, Courtney20001
Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among ThievesGoldstein, Jonathan | Daley, John Francis20235
Dungeons & Dragons 3: The Book of Vile DarknessLively, Gerry20121
The Dunwich HorrorHaller, Daniel19705
DværgenRaski, Vidal19731
Dünyayi kurtaran adamInanç, Çetin19826
E tu vivrai nel terrore – L’aldilàFulci, Lucio19816
Eaten AliveHooper, Tobe19771
Edge of TomorrowLiman, Doug20145
Edward ScissorhandsBurton, Tim19906
The Elephant ManLynch, David19804
Emanuelle e gli ultimi cannibaliD'Amato, Joe19773
End of DaysHyams, Peter19994
La endemoniadaOssorio, Amando de19753
EpidemicTrier, Lars von19873
The EqualizerFuqua, Antoine20145
The Equalizer 2Fuqua, Antoine20184
The Equalizer 3Fuqua, Antoine20234
EraserheadLynch, David19776
Escape from New YorkCarpenter, John19815
Escape to VictoryHuston, John19814
E.T.: The Extra-TerrestrialSpielberg, Steven19825
EugenieFranco, Jesus19703
EuropaTrier, Lars von19915
Event HorizonAnderson, Paul W.S.19973
Every AfternoonSarno, Joseph W.19723
Evil AliensWest, Jake20053
The Evil DeadRaimi, Sam19816
Evil Dead IIRaimi, Sam19876
eXistenZCronenberg, David19994
The ExorcistFriedkin, William19736
The Exorcist II: The HereticBoorman, John19772
The Exorcist III: LegionBlatty, William Peter19903
ExponeradWiklund, Gustav19713
ExtractionHargrave, Sam20205
Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and VileBerlinger, Joe20193
Eyes of Laura MarsKershner, Irvin19783
Faces of DeathSchwartz, John Alan19783
The FacultyRodriguez, Robert19984
Fando y LisJodorowsky, Alejandro19684
FantasmFranklin, Richard19762
Fantasm Comes AgainEggleston, Colin19771
The Fantastic FourSassone, Oley19941
Fantastic VoyageFleischer, Richard19664
FascinationRollin, Jean19793
Faster, Pussycat! Kill! Kill!Meyer, Russ19656
Fear the Walking Dead: Season 1Davidson, Adam20152
Fear the Walking Dead: Season 2Davidson, Adam20162
FeastGulager, John20054
FeedLeonard, Brett20054
Feng kuang da ben zeiLu, Chi19742
Fight for Your LifeEndelson, Robert A.19775
The Final ConflictBaker, Graham19811
The Final CountdownTaylor, Don19803
Final DestinationWong, James20003
Final Destination 2Ellis, David R.20033
FirecrackerSantiago, Cirio H.19813
FirecrackerBalderson, Steve20053
First BloodKotcheff, Ted19826
FiveOboler, Arch19516
Flash GordonHodges, Mike19803
Flesh+BloodVerhoeven, Paul19855
The Flesh and Blood ShowWalker, Pete19723
Flesh for FrankensteinMorissey, Paul | Margheriti, Antonio19732
FlossieAhlberg, Mac19741
Der Fluch der schwarzen SchwesternSarno, Joseph W.19731
The FlyNeumann, Kurt19585
The FlyCronenberg, David19865
The FogCarpenter, John19805
For Your Eyes OnlyGlen, John19815
The Forbidden RoomMaddin, Guy | Johnson, Evan20155
Forbrydelsens elementTrier, Lars von19845
The ForeignerCampbell, Martin20174
Forest of the DamnedRoberts, Johannes20051
The ForgottenBrownrigg, S.F.19733
De fortabte sjæles øArcel, Nikolaj20075
FortressGordon, Stuart19925
FrankensteinWhale, James19316
FrankensteinBranagh, Kenneth19942
Frankenstein Meets the Space MonsterGaffney, Robert19654
Frankenstein Meets the Wolf ManNeill, Roy William19433
Freddy vs. JasonYu, Ronny20034
FrequencyHoblit, Gregory20005
Friday the 13thCunningham, Sean S.19804
Friday the 13thNispel, Marcus20092
Friday the 13th: The Final ChapterZito, Joseph19842
Friday the 13th Part 2Miner, Steve19814
Friday the 13th Part IIIMiner, Steve19822
Friday the 13th Part V: A New BeginningSteinmann, Danny19851
Friday the 13th Part VII: The New BloodBuechler, John Carl19881
Friday the 13th Part VIII: Jason Takes ManhattanHedden, Rob19891
The FrightenersJackson, Peter19964
Fright NightHolland, Tom19854
Fringe: Season 1Graves, Alex20085
Fri os fra det ondeBornedal, Ole20093
Le frisson des vampiresRollin, Jean19712
FrogsMcCowan, George19723
From Dusk Till DawnRodriguez, Robert19964
From HellHughes, Albert | Hughes, Allen20013
From Russia With LoveYoung, Terence19635
The Frozen DeadLeder, Herbert J.19664
The FunhouseHooper, Tobe19813
Funny Games U.S.Haneke, Michael20075
Furiosa: A Mad Max SagaMiller, George20243
Furyô anego den: Inoshika OchôSuzuki, Norifumi19733
Future Shock! The Story of 2000ADGoodwin, Paul20144
GalaxinaSachs, William19802
Garden of LoveIttenbach, Olaf20031
Il gatto a nove codeArgento, Dario19715
Generation XSholder, Jack19964
GeostormDevlin, Dean20171
Get OutPeele, Jordan20175
Ghostbusters: Frozen EmpireKenan, Gil20243
Ghost of FrankensteinKenton, Erle C.19424
Giallo a VeneziaLandi, Mario19796
Ginger SnapsFawcett, John20002
Giochi erotici nella 3a galassiaAlbertini, Bitto19811
GladiatorScott, Ridley20006
Gladiator IIScott, Ridley20243
Gli occhi freddi della pauraCastellari, Enzo G.19713
GlimtBennetzen, Nicolas Russel20062
GodzillaEdwards, Gareth20144
Godzilla: King of the MonstersDougherty, Michael20193
Godzilla: Monster PlanetSeshita, Hiroyuki | Shizuno, Kôbun20174
Godzilla x Kong: The New EmpireWingard, Adam20243
Gojira: hoshi wo kû monoSeshita, Hiroyuki | Shizuno, Kôbun20182
Gojira: kessen kidô zôshoku toshiSeshita, Hiroyuki | Shizuno, Kôbun20183
Gold of the Amazon WomenLester, Mark L.19791
GoldenEyeCampbell, Martin19963
The Golden ChildRitchie, Michael19864
GoldfingerHamilton, Guy19646
The Gore Gore GirlsLewis, Herschell Gordon19724
GothikaKassovitz, Mathieu20033
El gran amor del conde DráculaAguirre, Javier19724
Il grande racketCastellari, Enzo G.19766
A Grave for the CorpsesSibley, Steven20081
GravityCuarón, Alfonso20136
Great WhiteReeder, Zac19981
GreenlandWaugh, Ric Roman20204
The Green MileDarabont, Frank19996
GremlinsDante, Joe19845
GrizzlyGirdler, William19764
Groundhog DayRamis, Harold19934
The GrudgeShimizu, Takashi20045
The Grudge 2Shimizu, Takashi20063
The Gruesome TwosomeLewis, Herschell Gordon19672
Guardians of the GalaxyGunn, James20145
La guerra del ferro – IronmasterLenzi, Umberto19833
La guerre du feuAnnaud, Jean-Jacques19814
GummoKorine, Harmony19975
GurotesukoShiraishi, Koji20091
GwendolineJaeckin, Just19843
HalloweenCarpenter, John19786
HalloweenZombie, Rob20074
Halloween IIRosenthal, Rick19815
Halloween III: Season of the WitchWallace, Tommy Lee19823
Halloween 4: The Return of Michael MyersLittle, Dwight H.19884
HancockBerg, Peter20084
HannibalScott, Ridley20013
Hannibal RisingWebber, Peter20071
The HappeningShyamalan, M. Night20082
Happy! – Season 1Taylor, Brian20174
Happy Birthday to MeThompson, J. Lee19815
Happy Death DayLandon, Christopher20174
The Hardcore CollectionKern, Richard1984-933
Hard to KillMalmuth, Bruce19904
Hard RainSalomon, Mikael19984
Hard Rock ZombiesShah, Krishna19851
Hard TargetWoo, John19934
Harley Davidson and the Marlboro ManWincer, Simon19913
Harry Potter and the Chamber of SecretsColumbus, Chris20024
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of AzkabanCuarón, Alfonso20045
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's StoneColumbus, Chris20014
HatchetGreen, Adam20064
The Hateful EightTarantino, Quentin20153
The Haunted PalaceCorman, Roger19634
Der heiße TodFranco, Jesus19693
Hei tai yang 731Mou, Tun Fei19873
HellraiserBarker, Clive19875
Hell RideBishop, Larry20081
HerculesRatner, Brett20144
Les héroïnes du malBorowczyk, Walerian19792
The HikeBryan, Rupert20112
The Hills Have EyesCraven, Wes19775
The Hills Have Eyes 2Weisz, Martin20072
The HitcherHarmon, Robert19864
The HitcherMeyers, Dave20072
The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five ArmiesJackson, Peter20144
The Hobbit: An Unexpected JourneyJackson, Peter20126
The Hobbit: The Desolation of SmaugJackson, Peter20135
Hollow ManVerhoeven, Paul20003
The Holy MountainJodorowsky, Alejandro19735
Honey, I Shrunk the KidsJohnston, Joe19894
HookSpielberg, Steven19914
HoraKiil, Reinert20091
A Horrible Way to DieWingard, Adam20102
The Horror VaultSønderholm, Kim m.fl.20083
HorsemenÅkerlund, Jonas20092
Hotel ArtemisPearce, Drew20184
House of the DeadBoll, Uwe20031
The House of the DevilWest, Ti20095
House of DraculaKenton, Erle C.19454
House of FrankensteinKenton, Erle C.19444
House of WaxToth, André de19534
House of WaxCollet-Serra, Jaume20054
How It EndsRosenthal, David M.20181
Howard the DuckHuyck, Willard19864
The HowlingDante, Joe19814
Howling II: … Your Sister Is a WerewolfMora, Phillippe19852
Howling IIIMora, Phillippe19871
Howling IV: The Original NightmareHough, John19881
How to Make a MonsterStrock, Herbert L.19582
HulkLee, Ang20034
The HungerScott, Tony19833
The Hunger GamesRoss, Gary20125
The HuntedFriedkin, William20035
I Am MotherSputore, Grant20193
I corpi presentano tracce di violenza carnaleMartino, Sergio19734
I lunghi capelli della morteMargheriti, Antonio19642
I, RobotProyas, Alex20045
I Sell the DeadMcQuaid, Glenn20083
The IllusionistBurger, Neil20062
Ilsa, She Wolf of the SSEdmonds, Don19754
Im Schloss der blutigen BegierdeHoven, Adrian19682
ImpostorFleder, Gary20023
In DreamsJordan, Neil19993
In the Heart of the SeaHoward, Ron20152
In the Name of the King: A Dungeon Siege TaleBoll, Uwe20072
InbredChandon, Alex20113
InceptionNolan, Christopher20104
The IncidentCourtes, Alexandre20112
The Incredible Shrinking ManArnold, Jack19576
Incubo sulla cittá contaminataLenzi, Umberto19803
Independence DayEmmerich, Roland19966
Independence Day: ResurgenceEmmerich, Roland20163
Indiana Jones and the Dial of DestinyMangold, James20234
Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal SkullSpielberg, Steven20082
Indiana Jones and the Last CrusadeSpielberg, Steven19896
Indiana Jones and the Temple of DoomSpielberg, Steven19845
The Infernal MachineHunt, Andrew20223
InfernoArgento, Dario19805
InnerspaceDante, Joe19874
The InnkeepersWest, Ti20113
InquisiciónNaschy, Paul19762
Inside Deep ThroatBailey, Fenton | Barbato, Randy20055
InterstellarNolan, Christopher20146
Interview with the VampireJordan, Neil19944
IntruderSpiegel, Scott19894
Invaders from MarsMenzies, William Cameron19532
The InvasionHirschbiegel, Oliver20073
Invasion of the Body SnatchersSiegel, Don19565
Invasion of the Body SnatchersKaufman, Philip19785
Invasion U.S.A.Zito, Joseph19852
IroncladEnglish, Jonathan20115
Iron Man 3Black, Shane20135
The IslandBay, Michael20054
Island of the DeadSoutham, Tim20001
ItWallace, Tommy Lee19902
ItMuschietti, Andy20173
It Came From The WestFruergaard, Tor20075
It FollowsMitchell, David Robert20145
It! The Terror from Beyond SpaceCahn, Edward L.19584
It’s AliveCohen, Larry19745
Jack FrostCooney, Michael19964
JadesoturiAnnila, Antti-Jussi20064
Janghwa, HongryeonKim, Ji-woon20035
Jason Goes to Hell: The Final FridayMarcus, Adam19932
Jason Lives: Friday the 13th Part VIMcLoughlin, Tom19862
Jason XFarmer, Todd20014
JawsSpielberg, Steven19755
Jaws 2Szwarc, Jeannot19793
Jaws 3-DAlves, Joe19832
Jaws: The RevengeSargent, Joseph19872
Jericho: First SeasonTurteltaub, Jon m.fl.20065
Jericho: Second SeasonBee, Guy Norman m.fl.20084
Jeunes filles impudiquesRollin, Jean19731
Jiu JitsuLogothetis, Dimitri20201
Joe Strummer: The Future is UnwrittenTemple, Julien20075
Joheunnom nabbeunnom isanghannomKim, Ji-woon20095
John CarterStanton, Andrew20124
John WickStahelski, Chad20145
Jôi-uchi: Hairyô tsuma shimatsuKobayashi, Masaki19674
JoshuaRatliff, George20071
Journey to the Center of the EarthLevin, Henry19595
Ju-onShimizu, Takashi20035
Jûbei ninpûchôKawajiri, Yoshiaki19935
Jungle CruiseCollet-Serra, Jaume20213
Jupiter AscendingWachowski, Lana | Wachowski, Lilly20152
Jurassic ParkSpielberg, Steven19935
Jurassic Park IIIJohnston, Joe20014
Jurassic WorldTrevorrow, Colin20153
Justine och JulietteAhlberg, Mac19751
Kaput lager – gli ultimi giorni delle SSBatzella, Luigi19772
Karanlik SularAtaman, E. Kutlug19933
Kegareta MariaTakahisa, Zeze19981
Kick-AssVaughn, Matthew20105
Kilink Istanbul’daAtadeniz, Yilmaz19673
Kilink soy ve öldürAtadeniz, Yilmaz19674
Kilink uçan adama karsiAtadeniz, Yilmaz19674
KilldozerLondon, Jerry19742
Killer CrocodileDe Angelis, Fabrizio19893
Killer Klowns from Outer SpaceChiodo, Stephen19885
Killing Birds – uccelli assassiniLattanzi, Claudio19873
Kingdom of the Planet of the ApesBall, Wes20245
Kingsman: The Secret ServiceVaughn, Matthew20145
KnowingProyas, Alex20092
KollegietBarnewitz, Martin20074
Kolskaya sverhglubokayaSyuhin, Arseny20203
Kong: Skull IslandVogt-Roberts, Jordan20172
Koroshiya 1Miike, Takashi20011
The Kovak BoxMonzón, Daniel20064
Kull the ConquererNicolella, John19981
Kvinden i buretNørgaard, Mikkel20133
Kyûketsu Shôjo tai Shôjo FurankenNishimura, Yoshihiro | Tomomatsu, Naoyuki20095
Le lac des morts vivantsRollin, Jean19811
Lad de døde hvileHassan, Sohail A.20184
LadyhawkeDonner, Richard19852
Lady LibertineKikoïne, Gérard19843
Lager SSadis Kastrat KommandanturGarrone, Sergio19763
Land of the DeadRomero, George A.20052
Last Action HeroMcTiernan, John19936
The Last Boy ScoutScott, Tony19916
The Last DuelScott, Ridley20216
The Last House on the LeftCraven, Wes19726
The Last LegionLefler, Doug20072
The Last Man on EarthRagona, Ubaldo19646
Last Night in SohoWright, Edgar20215
The Last Ship: The Complete First SeasonMostow, Jonathan20144
The Last Witch HunterEisner, Breck20152
Leave the World BehindEsmail, Sam20235
LeviathanCosmatos, George P.19893
Lèvres de sangRollin, Jean19754
Licence to KillGlen, John19895
Der LiebesschülerRothemund, Siegfried19741
LifeEspinosa, Daniel20172
LinkFranklin, Richard19863
Lisa, LisaFriedel, Frederick R.19772
Little DeathsHogan, Sean | Parkinson, Andrew | Rumley, Simon20114
Liu lang di qiuGwo, Frant20193
Live and Let DieHamilton, Guy19734
LivideBustillo, Alexandre | Maury, Julien20115
The Living DaylightsGlen, John19876
The LobsterLanthimos, Yorgos20155
LockeKnight, Steven20135
LoganMangold, James20175
LooperJohnson, Rian20122
The Lord of the RingsBakshi, Ralph19794
The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the RingJackson, Peter20016
The Lord of the Rings: The Two TowersJackson, Peter20025
The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the KingJackson, Peter20036
Lost – The Complete First SeasonAbrams, J.J. m.fl.20056
Lost – The Complete Second SeasonBender, Jack m.fl.20066
Lost: The Complete Third SeasonBender, Jack m.fl.20075
Lost: The Complete Fourth SeasonBender, Jack m.fl.20085
Lost: The Complete Fifth SeasonWilliams, Stephen m.fl.20095
Lost – The Complete Sixth SeasonBender, Jack m.fl.20103
The Lost BoysSchumacher, Joel19873
The Lost World: Jurassic ParkSpielberg, Steven19975
Luca il contrabbandiereFulci, Lucio19805
MLang, Fritz19316
MacabroBava, Lamberto19803
Mad HeidiHartmann, Johannes | Klopfstein, Sandro20224
Mad MaxMiller, George19795
Mad Max 2Miller, George19815
Mad Max Beyond ThunderdomeMiller, George | Ogilvie, George19853
Mad Max: Fury RoadMiller, George20156
Make-Out With ViolenceDealgol Brothers20081
Man on FireScott, Tony20045
The Man With the Golden GunHamilton, Guy19742
Man of SteelSnyder, Zack20132
Mangiati viviLenzi, Umberto19803
The ManglerHooper, Tobe19951
ManiacLustig, William19804
ManiacKhalfoun, Franck20123
The Mansion of MadnessMoctezuma, Juan López19735
Marked for DeathLittle, Dwight H.19904
Marquis de Sade: JustineFranco, Jesus19694
Mars Attacks!Burton, Tim19964
The MartianScott, Ridley20154
MartyrsLaugier, Pascal20086
La maschera del demonioBava, Mario19606
MaskeradeFurst, Griff20102
MassacreBianchi, Andrea19892
Masters of Horror 1.06: HomecomingDante, Joe20054
Masters of Horror 2.02: FamilyLandis, John20073
Masters of Horror 2.11: The Black CatGordon, Stuart20064
Masters of the UniverseGoddard, Gary19874
The Maze RunnerBall, Wes20144
Meet the FeeblesJackson, Peter19894
Men in BlackSonnenfeld, Barry19974
Men in Black IISonnenfeld, Barry20023
Men in Black 3Sonnenfeld, Barry20125
The MessengersChun, Oxide Pang | Pang, Danny20072
The Midnight Meat TrainKitamura, Ryûhei20082
Midnight RunBrest, Martin19886
MidsommarAster, Ari20195
Mil gritos tiene la nocheSimón, Juan Piquer19824
Minority ReportSpielberg, Steven20025
Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar ChildrenBurton, Tim20161
Missing in ActionZito, Joseph19842
Mission: Impossible – FalloutMcQuarrie, Christopher20184
The MistDarabont, Frank20074
Mondo caneCavara, Paolo m.fl.19624
Mondo cane 2Jacopetti, Gualtiero | Prosperi, Franco19632
Mondo ToplessMeyer, Russ19662
MonkeyboneSelick, Henry20012
Mononoke-himeMiyazaki, Hayao19976
The Monster That Challenged The WorldLaven, Arnold19575
Monster HunterAnderson, Paul W.S.20203
MonstersEdwards, Gareth20104
La montagna del dio canibaleMartino, Sergio19784
MoonJones, Duncan20096
MoonrakerGilbert, Lewis19792
Morgane et ses nymphesGantillon, Bruno19712
Mortal KombatAnderson, Paul W.S.19952
La morte ha sorriso all’assassinoD’Amato, Joe19735
Morte sospetta di una minorenneMartino, Sergio19753
La morte vivanteRollin, Jean19825
Mother!Aronofsky, Darren20173
Mr. Robot: Season 1Esmail, Sam20155
MulgoeHuh, Jong-ho20183
Mum & DadSheil, Steven20082
The MummyKurtzman, Alex20172
Murder on the Orient ExpressBranagh, Kenneth20173
Murder PartySaulnier, Jeremy20072
Murder-Set-PiecesPalumbo, Nick20041
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic - Season 1Thiessen, Jayson | Wootton, James2010-115
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic - Season 2Thiessen, Jayson | Wootton, James2011-124
My Little Pony Friendship is Magic – Season 3Thiessen, Jayson | Wootton, James2012-134
Mystery of the Wax MuseumCurtiz, Michael19333
Mænd & hønsJensen, Anders Thomas20155
Naked LunchCronenberg, David19916
National TreasureTurteltaub, Jon20044
Nattens engelGonzáles, Shaky19983
NattevagtenBornedal, Ole19944
Near DarkBigelow, Kathryn19873
Necessary Evil: Super-Villains Of DC ComicsDevine, Scott | Kenny, J.M.20134
Never Say Never AgainKershner, Irvin19831
New MoonWeitz, Chris20091
Nick Fury: Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.Hardy, Rod19983
Night of the Living DeadRomero, George A.19686
Night of the Living Dead 3DBroadstreet, Jeff20061
NightbreedBarker, Clive19903
The NightcomersWinner, Michael19723
The NightingaleKent, Jennifer20185
A Nightmare on Elm StreetCraven, Wes19843
A Nightmare on Elm Street Part 2: Freddy’s RevengeSholder, Jack19851
A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream WarriorsRussell, Chuck19873
NightwatchBornedal, Ole19973
The Ninth GatePolanski, Roman19994
NobodyNaishuller, Ilya20214
No EscapeCampbell, Martin19944
No ReasonIttenbach, Olaf20101
No Time To DieFukunaga, Cary Joji20215
NoahAronofsky, Darren20145
La noche de las gaviotasOssorio, Amando de19752
La noche de los girasolesSanchez-Cabezudo, Jorge20063
La noche del terror ciegoOssorio, Amando de19734
La noche de WalpurgisKlimovsky, León19713
North by NorthwestHitchcock, Alfred19596
The NorthmanEggers, Robert20226
Nosferatu, eine Symphonie des GrauensMurnau, F.W.19226
Nosferatu: Phantom der NachtHerzog, Werner19795
NosferatuEggers, Robert20244
Le notti del terroreBianchi, Andrea19815
Nowhere to RunHarmon, Robert19934
Nu ji zhong yingKuei, Chih-Hung19733
Nuda per SatanaBatzella, Luigi19742
Nude per l’assassinoBianchi, Andrea19754
La Nuit des traquéesRollin, Jean19742
I nuovi barbariCastellari, Enzo G.19824
A Nymphoid Barbarian in Dinosaur HellPiper, Brett19913
Obi-Wan KenobiChow, Deborah20223
OblivionKosinski, Joseph20135
OctopussyGlen, John19833
OldboyPark, Chan-wook20035
Olympus Has FallenFuqua, Antoine20135
The Omega ManSagal, Boris19714
The OmenDonner, Ricard19765
The OmenMoore, John20063
On Her Majesty’s Secret ServiceHunt, Peter R.19695
Once Upon a Time in NorwayLedang, Martin m.fl.20075
OpstandelsenHaugegaard, Casper20103
The OrderHelgeland, Brian20031
El OrfanatoBayona, Juan Antonio20075
La orgía nocturna de los vampirosKlimovsky, León19734
Orinoco: Prigioniere del sessoMulargia, Edoardo19803
OrphanCollet-Serra, Jaume20094
The OthersAmenábar, Alejandro20015
Out for JusticeFlynn, John19915
OutlanderMcCain, Howard20085
OverlordAvery, Julius20182
Pacific RimDel Toro, Guillermo20135
Il paese del sesso selvaggioLenzi, Umberto19723
The Pale Blue EyeCooper, Scott20224
Panic in Year Zero!Milland, Ray19624
Los ParecidosEzban, Isaac20154
PariahKret, Randolph19983
ParoxismusFranco, Jesus19693
The Party at Kitty and Stud’sLewis, Morton19702
Passenger 57Hooks, Kevin19923
PassengersTyldum, Morten20163
The Passion of Darkly NoonRidley, Philip19952
PathologySchölermann, Marc20083
PatrickFranklin, Richard19784
Paura nella città dei morti viventiFulci, Lucio19805
PaycheckWoo, John20032
PenanceKennedy, Jake20091
PeppermintMorel, Pierre20182
Perdues dans New YorkRollin, Jean19891
Perfume: The Story of a MurdererTykwer, Tom20064
Pet SemataryLambert, Mary19894
Pet Sematary IILambert, Mary19921
The Philadelphia ExperimentRaffill, Stewart19842
I pianeti contro di noiFerrara, Romano19621
The Pig Keeper’s DaughterBuckalew, Bethel19721
PimpCavanah, Robert20102
PiranhaDante, Joe19784
PiranhaAja, Alexandre20105
Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black PearlVerbinski, Gore20034
Plague TownGregory, David20083
The Plague of the ZombiesGilling, John19665
Planet of the ApesSchaffner, Franklin J.19685
Planet of the ApesBurton, Tim20012
Planet of the SharksAtkins, Mark20162
Planetens SpejleRix, Jytte19924
PoltergeistHooper, Tobe19825
Poor ThingsLanthimos, Yorgos20235
Porno HolocaustD'Amato, Joe19814
Porr i skandalskolanAhlberg, Mac19741
Poruno no joô: Nippon sex ryokôNakajima, Sadao19734
The PossessionBornedal, Ole20122
The PostmanCostner, Kevin19972
PredatorMcTiernan, John19876
The PredatorBlack, Shane20182
Predator 2Hopkins, Stephen19905
PredatorsAntal, Nimród20104
PremonitionYapo, Mennan20072
Premutos – Der gefallene EngelIttenbach, Olaf19993
PreyTrachtenberg, Dan20225
PrimalReed, Josh20103
Prince of DarknessCarpenter, John19873
PrisonHarlin, Renny19874
Profondo RossoArgento, Dario19755
Project: MetalbeastDe Gaetano, Alessandro19953
PrometheusScott, Ridley20122
Prom NightLynch, Paul19804
The ProphecyWiden, Gregory19952
The PropositionHillcoat, John20056
The ProwlerZito, Joseph19813
PsychoHitchcock, Alfred19606
Psychos in LoveBechard, Gorman19871
PterodactylLester, Mark L.20051
PulseSonzero, Jim20061
The Puppet MastersOrme, Stuart19943
The Quiet EarthMurphy, Geoff19855
Quantum of SolaceForster, Marc20085
The Quatermass XperimentGuest, Val19556
QEDAKestner, Max20171
Queen of BloodHarrington, Curtis19662
A Quiet PlaceKrasinski, John20182
R-PointKong, Su-chang20042
Il racconto dei raccontiGarrone, Matteo20155
Race with the DevilStarrett, Jack19755
The RageKurtzman, Robert20071
Una Ragione per vivere e una per morireValeri, Tonino19721
Raiders of the Lost ArkSpielberg, Steven19816
RaigyoTakahisa, Zeze19973
Rambo: First Blood Part IICosmatos, George P.19855
Rambo IIIMacDonald, Peter19882
Rasputin: The Mad MonkSharp, Don19664
Rats – Notte di terroreMattei, Bruno19841
Rated XEstevez, Emilio20003
The RavenMcTeigue, James20124
Re-AnimatorGordon, Stuart19856
Ready Player OneSpielberg, Steven20184
Rear WindowHitchcock, Alfred19546
Rebel RidgeSaulnier, Jeremy20243
The ReckoningMcGuigan, Paul20034
Reazione a catenaBava, Mario19712
[Rec]Belagueró, Jaume | Plaza, Paco20074
[Rec] 2Belagueró, Jaume | Plaza, Paco20092
[Rec] 3: GénesisPlaza, Paco20123
Red DragonRatner, Brett20024
Red EyeCraven, Wes20054
Red RoverGrenier, Marc S.20031
Red SonjaFleischer, Richard19853
Red, White & BlueRumley, Simon20104
The RelicHyams, Peter19974
Repo ManCox, Alex19845
ReptilicusBang, Poul19614
Resident EvilAnderson, Paul W.S.20022
Resident Evil: ApocalypseWitt, Alexander20041
Rest StopShiban, John20061
The ResurrectedO'Bannon, Dan19923
ResurrectionMulcahy, Russel19993
Retfærdighedens ryttereJensen, Anders Thomas20205
The ReturnKapadia, Asif20063
Return of the FlyBernds, Edward19594
Return of the Living Dead 3Yuzna, Brian19933
The RevenantIñárritu, Alejandro G.20154
Reykjavik Whale Watching MassacreKemp, Július20094
RigetTrier, Lars von | Arnfred, Morten19945
Riget IITrier, Lars von | Arnfred, Morten19974
Ringers: Lord of the FansCordova, Carlene20054
Riti, magie nere e segrete orge nel trecentoPolselli, Renato19732
The RitualBruckner, David20173
Rivelazioni di un maniaco sessuale al capo della squadra mobileMontero, Robert Bianchi19723
The RoadHillcoat, John20095
RoboCopVerhoeven, Paul19876
RoboCopPadilha, José20144
Robo-geishaIguchi, Noboru20093
RocknRollaRitchie, Guy20083
The Rocky Horror Picture ShowSharman, Jim19756
Rogue OneEdwards, Gareth20165
La rose de ferRollin, Jean19731
Rosemary’s BabyPolanski, Roman19686
Rosso sangueD’Amato, Joe19814
RovdriftIshii, Emil20092
RubberDupieux, Quentin20104
The Running ManGlaser, Paul Michael19875
Sacred FleshWingrove, Nigel20001
Salem’s LotHooper, Tobe19794
Salem’s LotSalomon, Mikael20041
Salon KittyBrass, Tinto19766
SaltwaterStone, A.B.20162
SamuraiOkamoto, Kihachi19654
Samurai Avenger: The Blind WolfMitsutake, Kurando20091
Samurai purinsesu: Gedô-himeKaji, Kengo20093
Sand SerpentsRenfroe, Jeff20092
La sanguisuga conduce la danzaRizzo, Alfredo19753
Santa Claus Conquers the MartiansWebster, Nicholas19643
Santa JawsTalley, Misty20183
The Satanic Rites of DraculaGibson, Alan19734
Satan’s ChildrenWiezycki, Joe19755
Satan’s Little HelperLieberman, Jeff20041
Satan’s SadistsAdamson, Al19693
SaunaAnnila, Antti-Jussi20082
SawWan, James20044
ScarecrowsWesley, William19883
Scarlet DivaArgento, Asia20003
SchizofranticJohansen, Peter19965
Le scomunicate di San ValentinoGrieco, Sergio19744
Scream Blacula ScreamKelljan, Bob19733
Secret WindowKoepp, David20044
See No EvilDark, Gregory20063
Seed of ChuckyMancini, Don20044
The Seeker: The Dark is RisingCunningham, David L.20071
Senso ’45Brass, Tinto20023
Sentô shôjo: Chi no tekkamen densetsuIguchi, Noboru m.fl.20101
Sergeant Slaughter, My Big BrotherWilliams, Greg20105
La settima donnaProsperi, Franco19785
Se7enFincher, David19956
Seven MummiesQuested, Nick20052
SeveranceSmith, Christopher20062
Sexykiller, morirás por ellaMartí, Miguel20083
Shadow of the VampireMerhige, E. Elias20004
The Shape of Waterdel Toro, Guillermo20174
SharksploitationScarlata, Stephen20234
Shaun of the DeadWright, Edgar20045
The Shawshank RedemptionDarabont, Frank19945
ShePichel, Irving | Holden, Lansing C.19353
Shelf LifeTuit, Mark20042
The ShiningKubrick, Stanley19806
ShiversCronenberg, David19753
Shogun AssassinHuston, Robert19805
The Short Films of David LynchLynch, David1966-19955
Shoot ‘Em UpDavis, Michael20075
ShooterFuqua, Antoine20075
Showdown in Little TokyoLester, Mark L.19913
ShurayukihimeFujita, Toshiya19734
Shura-yuki-hime: Urami RengaFujita, Toshiya19743
SignsShyamalan, M. Night20025
The Silence of the LambsDemme, Jonathan19916
Silent HillGans, Christope20066
Silent Night, Deadly NightSellier Jr., Charles E.19842
Sin CityMiller, Frank | Rodriguez, Robert20055
Sin City: A Dame to Kill ForMiller, Frank | Rodriguez, Robert20143
Los sin nombreBelagueró, Jaume19996
The Sixth SenseShyamalan, M. Night19994
SkinwalkersIsaac, James20063
SkyfallMendes, Sam20125
SkyggenNielsen, Thomas Borch19982
SkylineStrause, Colin | Strause, Greg20102
SlaxxKephart, Elza20203
Sleepaway CampHiltzik, Robert19834
Sleepaway Camp II: Unhappy CampersSimpson, Michael A.19884
Sleepaway Camp III: Teenage WastelandSimpson, Michael A.19893
Sleepy HollowBurton, Tim19995
SlitherGunn, James20064
SmileFinn, Parker20223
The SnowmanAlfredson, Thomas20171
SnuffFindlay, Michael m.fl.19761
Snuff-MovieRose, Bernard20051
SocietyYuzna, Brian19894
Solamente neroBido, Antonio19783
SolarisSoderbergh, Steven20023
SoldierAnderson, Paul W.S.19983
Solo: A Star Wars StoryHoward, Ron20184
Solomon KaneBasset, Michael J.20095
SolyarisTarkovsky, Andrei19726
Son of DraculaSiodmak, Robert19434
Son of FrankensteinLee, Rowland V.19392
SorgenfriMikkelsen, Bo20164
Sorority RowHendler, Stewart20093
Sotto il vestito nienteVanzina, Carlo19854
A Sound of ThunderHyams, Peter20052
Southern GothicSessions, Steve20051
SouthlanderHanft, Steve20013
Soylent GreenFleischer, Richard19732
SpawnDippé, Mark A.Z.19973
SpeciesDonaldson, Roger19953
Species IIMedak, Peter19981
SpectreMendes, Sam20155
SphereLevinson, Barry19984
Spicy CityBakshi, Ralph19974
Spider Baby, or The Maddest Story Ever ToldHill, Jack19684
The SpiritMiller, Frank20082
SpliceNatali, Vincenzo20094
SplinterWilkins, Toby20094
SplitShyamalan, M. Night20165
Split SecondMaylam, Tony19923
SpookiesThomas, Genie19862
The Spy Who Loved MeGilbert, Lewis19774
Lo squartatore di New YorkFulci, Lucio19823
SquirmLieberman, Jeff19763
The StandGarris, Mick19943
Stand By MeReiner, Rob19866
StarcrashCozzi, Luigi19785
StardustVaughn, Matthew20075
Starship TroopersVerhoeven, Paul19974
Star TrekAbrams, J.J.20095
Star Trek BeyondLin, Justin20164
Star Trek Into DarknessAbrams, J.J.20133
Star Trek: The Motion PictureWise, Robert19794
Star Trek II: The Wrath of KhanMeyer, Nicholas19825
Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan – Director's CutMeyer, Nicholas19826
Star Trek III: The Search for SpockNimoy, Leonard19843
Star Trek IV: The Voyage HomeNimoy, Leonard19864
Star Trek V: The Final FrontierShatner, William19893
Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered CountryMeyer, Nicholas19915
Star Trek: GenerationsCarson, David19942
Star Trek: First ContactFrakes, Jonathan19965
Star Trek: InsurrectionFrakes, Jonathan19983
Star Trek: NemesisBaird, Stuart20021
Star Wars Episode IV: A New HopeLucas, George19776
Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes BackKershner, Irvin19806
Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the JediMarquand, Richard19836
Star Wars Episode VII: The Force AwakensAbrams, J.J.20155
Star Wars Episode VIII: The Last JediJohnson, Rian20174
Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of SkywalkerAbrams, J.J.20195
Star Wars Holiday SpecialBinder, Steve | Acomba, David19781
Stone ColdBaxley, Craig R.19915
Strandhugg i somrasEkman, Mikael19722
Stranger ThingsDuffer, Matt m.fl.20165
Stranger Things 2Duffer, Matt m.fl.20175
Stranger Things 3Duffer, Matt m.fl.20195
Stranger Things 4Duffer, Matt m.fl.20225
Lo strano vizio della Signora WardhMartino, Sergio19715
Straw DogsPeckinpah, Sam19716
La strega in amoreDamiani, Damiano19662
StrigoiJackson, Faye20093
Subconscious CrueltyHussain, Karim20001
The SubstanceFargeat, Coralie20245
Sucker PunchSnyder, Zack20112
Suor EmanuelleVari, Guiseppe19773
Suor OmicidiBeutti, Giulio19782
Super 8Abrams, J.J.20112
SupermanRegas, Jack19751
SupervixensMeyer, Russ19755
SurrogatesMostow, Jonathan20093
SuspiriaArgento, Dario19776
SweatshopDavidson, Stacy20093
Sweeney ToddMoore, David20063
SwimCohn, Jared20211
Die Säge des TodesFranco, Jesus19812
SängkamraterWiklund, Gustav19741
The TakeDrury, David20096
TakenMorel, Pierre20084
Tango & CashKonchalovskiy, Andrey19893
Tarzan Istanbul’daAtadeniz, Orhan19523
A Taste of BloodLewis, Herschell Gordon19671
Teenage Mutant Ninja TurtlesBarron, Steve19902
TentacoliAssonitis, Ovidio G.19772
The TerminatorCameron, James19846
Terminator 2: Judgment DayCameron, James19916
Terminator IIMattei, Bruno19892
Terminator 3: Rise of the MachinesMostow, Jonathan20033
Terreur CannibaleDeruelle, Alain m.fl.19811
TerrorWarren, Norman J.19782
La terza madreArgento, Dario20074
The Texas Chainsaw MassacreHooper, Tobe19746
Them!Douglas, Gordon19545
They LiveCarpenter, John19885
ThiefMann, Michael19816
The ThingCarpenter, John19825
The ThingHeijningen Jr., Matthijs van20112
The Thing from Another WorldNyby, Christian19515
Things to ComeMenzies, William Cameron19363
The Thirteenth FloorRusnak, Josef19995
This Means WarMcG20122
ThunderballYoung, Terence19656
Thundercrack!McDowell, Curt19754
Ti piace Hitchcock?Argento, Dario20053
Time After TimeMeyer, Nicholas19793
TimecopHyams, Peter19945
Timecop: The Berlin DecisionBoyum, Steve20034
TimelineDonner, Richard20032
The Time MachinePal, George19604
The Time MachineWells, Simon20024
TMNTMunroe, Kevin20073
TNT JacksonSantiago, Cirio H.19743
To the Devil a DaughterSykes, Peter19765
Tokyo X EroticaTakahisa, Zeze20011
Tôkyô zankoku keisatsuNishimura, Yoshihiro20084
Tomorrow Never DiesSpottiswoode, Roger19972
TonyJohnson, Gerard20095
The Toolbox MurdersDonnelly, Dennis19783
Top GunScott, Tony19865
Top Gun: MaverickKosinski, Joseph20224
El TopoJodorowsky, Alejandro19705
Total RecallVerhoeven, Paul19906
Total RecallWiseman, Len20122
Tourist TrapSchmoeller, David19794
Tower of LondonCorman, Roger19624
The Toxic AvengerHerz, Michael | Kaufman, Lloyd19853
The Toy BoxGarcía, Ronald Victor19712
Toy SoldiersPetrie Jr., Daniel19914
The Toys That Made Us – Season 1Stern, Tom20175
The Toys That Made Us – Season 2Stern, Tom20183
Track of the Moon BeastAshe, Richard19762
Traiganme la cabeza de la mujer metralletaEspinoza, Ernesto Diaz20122
TransformersBay, Michael20074
TremorsUnderwood, Ron19904
Tremors II: AftershocksWilson, S.S.19963
The TriangleBaxley, Craig R.20054
Triple FrontierChandor, J.C.20194
The Trollenberg TerrorLawrence, Quentin19584
Les trottoirs de BangkokRollin, Jean19841
True Detective - Season 1Fukunaga, Cary Joji20144
True RomanceScott, Tony19936
Tsunambee: The Wrath ComethDavis, Milko | Martwick, Thomas20151
Turkey ShootTrenchard-Smith, Brian19824
Twelve MonkeysGilliam, Terry19955
TwilightHardwicke, Catherine20082
Twin Peaks: The First SeasonLynch, David19906
Twin Peaks: The Second SeasonLynch, David19915
Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With MeLynch, David19926
Twins of EvilHough, John19714
Two Thousand Maniacs!Lewis, Herschell Gordon19644
L’ucello dalle piume di cristalloArgento, Dario19705
L’ultima orgia del III ReichCanevari, Cesare19772
L’ultimo cacciatoreMargheriti, Antonio19803
L’ultimo squaloCastellari, Enzo G.19813
L’ultimo treno della notteLado, Aldo19752
L’umanoideLado, Aldo19794
UnbreakableShyamalan, M. Night20005
UnderwaterEubank, William20202
UnderworldWiseman, Len20032
Under SiegeDavis, Andrew19924
Under Siege 2Murphy, Geoff19953
UnearthedLeutwyler, Matthew20072
Universal SoldierEmmerich, Roland19925
Uno biancaSoavi, Michele20014
L’uomo che guardaBrass, Tinto19941
L’uomo senza memoriaTessari, Duccio19744
Up!Meyer, Russ19764
Valerian and the City of a Thousand PlanetsBesson, Luc20174
The Valley of GwangiO’Connolly, Jim19695
Vampire CircusYoung, Robert19723
Vampyr – Der Traum des Allan GreyDreyer, Carl Theodor19326
VampyresLarraz, José Ramón19746
Van HelsingSommers, Stephen20042
Velvet BuzzsawGilroy, Dan20194
La via della prostituzioneD'Amato, Joe19782
Victor FrankensteinMcGuigan, Paul20154
Vierges et vampiresRollin, Jean19714
A View to a KillGlen, John19854
VigilanteLustig, William19834
VikarenBornedal, Ole20074
Vild på sexSarno, Joseph W.19741
The VillageShyamalan, M. Night20043
Village of the DamnedCarpenter, John19951
Le viol du vampireRollin, Jean19681
Violenza in un carcere femminileMattei, Bruno19822
VivaBiller, Anna20073
Vixen!Meyer, Russ19686
VolcanoJackson, Mick19974
The WakingCard, Tim20011
Wam Bam Thank You SpacemanLevey, William A.19751
The War of the WorldsHaskin, Byron19532
War of the WorldsSpielberg, Steven20054
WarcraftJones, Duncan20163
WarlockMiner, Steve19894
WarriorO’Connor, Gavin20115
WatchmenSnyder, Zack20093
WaterworldReynolds, Kevin19954
WedlockTeague, Lewis19914
Wednesday - Season 1Burton, Tim20224
Werewolves on WheelsLevesque, Michael19713
Westway to the WorldLetts, Don20004
WestworldCrichton, Michael19735
Westworld – Season 1: The MazeNolan, Jonathan20164
What Lies BeneathZemeckis, Robert20004
The Whisperer in DarknessBranney, Sean20115
White House DownEmmerich, Roland20134
White ZombieHalperin, Victor19324
The Wicker ManHardy, Robin19736
Wild beasts – Belve ferociProsperi, Franco19843
WishmasterKurtzman, Robert19973
The VVitch: A New-England Folk TaleEggers, Robert20156
Witchfinder GeneralReeves, Michael19686
The Wizard of GoreLewis, Herschell Gordon19704
WolfNichols, Mike19944
Wolf CreekMclean, Greg20054
The Wolf ManWaggner, George19415
The WolfmanJohnston, Joe20104
The WolverineMangold, James2013
Women of Hell’s IslandSantiago, Cirio H.19782
Wonder WomanJenkins, Patty20172
The World is Not EnoughApted, Michael19994
World War ZForster, Marc20134
The World's EndWright, Edgar20134
The WraithMarvin, Mike19862
Wrath of ManRitchie, Guy20215
X2Singer, Bryan20035
The X-Files: I Want to BelieveCarter, Chris20085
X-MenSinger, Bryan20004
X-Men Origins: WolverineHood, Gavin20092
X-Men: ApocalypseSinger, Bryan20162
X-Men: Days of Future PastSinger, Bryan20145
X-Men: First ClassVaughn, Matthew20115
X-Men: The Last StandRatner, Brett20063
XtroDavenport, Harry Bromley19833
YattâmanMiike, Takashi20092
Year of the Living DeadKuhns, Rob20134
You Better Watch OutJackson, Lewis19803
You Only Live TwiceGilbert, Lewis19675
Young Sherlock HolmesLevinson, Barry19854
ZederAvati, Pupi19833
The Zero TheoremGilliam, Terry20132
ZibahkhanaKhan, Omar20083
ZodiacFincher, David20075
Zombi 2Fulci, Lucio19795
Zombi 3Fulci, Lucio19884
Zombi: La creazioneMattei, Bruno20072
Zombi HolocaustGirolami, Marino19805
Zombie Island MassacreCarter, John19842
ZombielandFleischer, Ruben20094
Zombie StrippersLee, Jay20083
Zombie Women of SatanO'Brien, Steve | Speed, Warren20095
Zombie Women of Satan 2Speed, Warren20161
Æon FluxKusama, Karyn20053
Ölüler konusmaz kiYalinkiliç, Yavuz19705